Friday, September 20, 2013

Part-time position in Fall River - Job posting analyst

Job posting analyst
Job Posting analyst will improve the targeted candidate response rate from various on line web sites.  The analyst will review ABLE’s job posts and reword them to be more appealing to the desired candidate segment.  Then, the analyst will track the responses by job and by channel.  The analyst will also identify other job ads for similar openings.  Weekly, the analyst will tabulate results in Excel and provide a weekly referrals report.

Anticipated 6-8 hours/week at $9/HR.  Student should be a Junior or Senior and have excellent writing and analytical skills.  The individual should have some experience in internet marketing.  While some of the research will be done remotely, the analyst must be prepared to meet in the ABLE office once a week to understand the job posting process and the ABLE brand.

Replies to Eileen Wheeler Sheehan,