Time is running out but if you have a summer internship lined up and want to earn 3 credits for a business elective, you can still get it approved and I can get you into the summer internship course - which starts on June 22nd (Monday). There is a good chance I can even get you into the course a week or so into it as long as you get in touch with me soon with details of your internship proposal. I would need to grant approval which you can use as entry into the course through our UMD enrollment center. The course does carry the normal tuition and fees of a summer course.
FIN320 Personal Finance - will be offered in the 2nd summer session which starts Jul 21, 2015 and runs to Aug 19, 2015. This course is 100% online via our myCourses (Blackboard and McGraw-Hill Connect systems.) There are seats that remain. No prerequisites and a very very useful course. Anyone interested in a career in personal financial planning or perhaps an internship in that field will find this to be a very appropriate course. Nonbusiness and business majors are welcome to enroll. If you would like to see a sample syllabus, feel free to email me at mgriffin@Umassd.edu/ I have taught this course for many years in the traditional face-to-face classroom but now offer it via online. I have years of experience as a personal financial planner and am a CPA and ChFC - both well aligned to this field.